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Mid Tide - 2023

Original Pete Newell paintings available for sale

Click here for full painting details

Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Hieght x Width x Depth:
91 x 61 x 4 cm
36 x 24 x 1.6 in
Original painted canvas:£600

Above price is for collection (courier/in-person).
If you are interested in this painting, wish to have a delivery quote, or notified if it becomes on-offer/on-sale, simply complete the paintings enquiry form below.
I look forward to hearing from you.




Please complete the form in full, I respond to all messages as soon as possible, although there may be a small delay at times.

Delivery and packing charges will depend upon the painting selected due to each paintings individual size, weight and destination. Once a request has been made the most efficient and safe form of delivery will be sought and sent via email with payment options. For UK mainland Royal Mail carriers will be primarily used.

This is a cost enquiry not agreement to purchase.

On agreement/confirmation of the order the dispatch date and method will be advised by email and mobile phone message.

Emails and your personal data: By completing form data you agree to Pete Newell contacting you and using your information to answer your query. Your information will only be used and kept for this query, and will be kept on secure devices. All emails are sent/received by secure email.


Painting enquiry:

Painting name:

Painting options:

  • Inform me if on-offer/on-sale
  • Framed
  • Un-framed
  • Collection courier
  • Collection in-person
  • Delivery quotation

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Delivery address (if being posted):

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